Exercise 58 HtDP
My answers for the exercises in Chapter 4.6 Exercise 58 of How to Design Programs.
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; Price -> Number ; computes the sales tax charged for price (define LOW-TAX-RATE 0) (define LTR-LOWER-BOUND 0) (define LTR-UPPER-BOUND 1000) (define MIDDLE-TAX-RATE 0.05) (define MTR-LOWER-BOUND LTR-UPPER-BOUND) (define MTR-UPPER-BOUND 10000) (define HIGH-TAX-RATE 0.08) (define HTR-LOWER-BOUND MTR-UPPER-BOUND) (check-expect (sales-tax 0) LOW-TAX-RATE) (check-expect (sales-tax 537) LOW-TAX-RATE) (check-expect (sales-tax 1000) (* MIDDLE-TAX-RATE 1000)) (check-expect (sales-tax 9999) (* MIDDLE-TAX-RATE 9999)) (check-expect (sales-tax 10000) (* HIGH-TAX-RATE 10000)) (check-expect (sales-tax 12017) (* HIGH-TAX-RATE 12017)) (define (sales-tax price) (cond [(and (>= price LTR-LOWER-BOUND) (< price LTR-UPPER-BOUND)) LOW-TAX-RATE] [(and (>= price MTR-LOWER-BOUND) (< price MTR-UPPER-BOUND)) (* price MIDDLE-TAX-RATE)] [(>= price HTR-LOWER-BOUND) (* price HIGH-TAX-RATE)] )) |
A few words of explanation to help clear some possible confusion:
I hard coded MTR-LOWER-BOUND as LTR-UPPER-BOUND; likewise with HTR-LOWER-BOUND. I did it in this way because initially they’re the same; however if someone needs to change them in the future, they’re separated as differing values.
I considered using the upper/lower bounds inside my unit tests but I don’t think that would be wise. Using the bound constant definitions in the test itself may hide issues with the code.